Cost of Living in UK for International Students in 2024

Cost of living in UK 2024

Studying in the UK is a dream for many international students, but understanding the cost of living in UK is crucial for effective financial planning. In 2024, the cost of living in UK for international students varies widely based on location, lifestyle, and spending habits. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate through the living expenses in UK, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect.

Cost of living in UK for international students

Understanding the Cost of Living in UK

The cost of living in UK encompasses various expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, utilities, and entertainment, making it essential for international students planning to study in UK. On average, the living expenses in UK per month can range from £1,000 to £1,500, depending on the city and your lifestyle.


Accommodation is one of the most significant expenses for international students. The cost varies greatly between different cities. For instance, living in London is considerably more expensive than living in smaller cities like Liverpool or Sheffield.

CityAverage Monthly Rent (Private Accommodation)Average Monthly Rent (University Accommodation)UtilitiesInternetDistance from City CenterStudent Accommodation Availability
London£800 – £1,200£600 – £800£60 – £100£20 – £30CentralHigh
Manchester£600 – £800£400 – £600£50 – £70£15 – £25SuburbanModerate
Birmingham£500 – £700£400 – £600£50 – £70£15 – £25City CenterHigh
Edinburgh£600 – £900£500 – £700£50 – £80£15 – £25CentralModerate
Cardiff£450 – £650£350 – £550£40 – £60£15 – £25City CenterHigh

Food and Groceries

Food and groceries are another essential part of the cost of living in UK. Students typically spend between £150 to £250 per month on groceries. Eating out can vary, but budgeting for an occasional meal at a restaurant or café is advisable.

Type of ExpenseEstimated Monthly CostExamples
Groceries£150 – £250Bread, milk, vegetables, fruits
Dining Out (Occasionally)£30 – £50Restaurants, cafes, takeaways
Coffee/Snacks£20 – £40Coffee shops, convenience stores


Public transportation is widely used in the UK, with students often benefiting from discounts. Monthly travel costs can range from £30 to £120, depending on the city and the distance traveled. In London, the cost is higher due to the extensive transportation network.

CityEstimated Monthly CostPublic Transport Type
London£80 – £120Travelcard (Zones 1-6)
Manchester£50 – £80Metrolink Day Saver
Birmingham£40 – £70Network WM Day Travelcard
Edinburgh£50 – £70Day Ticket
Cardiff£30 – £50Single Tickets

Utilities and Internet

Utilities, including electricity, heating, water, and internet, usually cost between £50 to £100 per month. Some university accommodations include these costs in the rent, so it’s worth checking the details when you book your accommodation.

Type of ExpenseEstimated Monthly Cost
Electricity£30 – £50
Heating£20 – £30
Water£10 – £20
Internet£20 – £30
Council Tax (Local government tax)Varies depending on the location and property band – consider budgeting around £100 per month on average

Entertainment and Miscellaneous

Entertainment expenses can vary based on personal preferences. On average, students might spend around £50 to £100 per month on activities such as cinema, concerts, and socializing. Additional costs like clothing, mobile phone bills, and personal care products should also be considered.

Type of ExpenseEstimated Monthly CostAdditional Information
Entertainment (Cinema, Concerts)£30 – £50Student discounts available for many cinemas and events
Socializing£20 – £50Consider free events to save money
Clothing£20 – £50Second-hand stores and vintage shops offer affordable options
Mobile Phone Bills£10 – £30Look for prepaid plans or student discounts
Personal Care Products£10 – £20Drugstores often have generic brands at lower prices

Total Living Expenses in UK Per Month

To give you a clearer picture, here’s an estimated breakdown of living expenses in UK per month:

Expense TypeEstimated Monthly CostAdditional Information
Accommodation£400 – £1,200Varies depending on city, type of accommodation (private, shared, student halls)
Food and Groceries£150 – £250Cost may vary depending on dietary preferences
Dining Out (Occasional)£30 – £50Consider student discounts and meal prepping to save money
Coffee/Snacks£20 – £40Budget for occasional treats
Transportation£30 – £120Varies depending on city, travel distance, and mode of transport (bus, train, underground)
Utilities and Internet£50 – £100May be included in rent for some university accommodations
Entertainment£50 – £100Cost depends on interests and activities
Miscellaneous£50 – £100Includes clothing, mobile phone bills, and personal care products
Total£780 – £1,960Total cost can vary depending on individual spending habits

Tips for Managing Living Expenses in UK

  1. Budgeting: Create a monthly budget and stick to it. Track your spending to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  2. Student Discounts: Take advantage of student discounts on transportation, entertainment, and even some grocery stores.
  3. Shared Accommodation: Consider sharing accommodation with other students to reduce rent costs.
  4. Cook at Home: Save money by cooking at home instead of eating out frequently.
  5. Part-time Work: Look for part-time job opportunities to supplement your income and gain valuable work experience.


Understanding the cost of living in UK is essential for international students planning their studies in 2024. Proper financial planning ensures you can focus on your studies without the stress of unexpected expenses. The living expenses in UK per month can be managed effectively with careful budgeting and by making the most of student discounts and opportunities.

If you’re looking for expert guidance on studying in the UK, Choice International Education, the best study abroad consultants in Kerala, can provide personalized assistance to make your study abroad journey smooth and successful. Contact Choice International Education today to get started on your path to academic success in the UK.

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